10 Habits of Successful Muslim Couples in Nigeria

10 Habits of Successful Muslim Couples in Nigeria

Marriage is a beautiful thing in Islam and it’s important for couples to have successful and fruitful relationships that will stand the test of time. In Nigeria, Muslim couples are faced with unique challenges that can sometimes affect their relationships. However, successful Muslim couples in Nigeria have developed habits that have helped their marriages thrive and become successful. In this blog post, I will share ten habits that successful Muslim couples in Nigeria have developed and harnessed to make their marriages work.

Communication: Successful Muslim couples in Nigeria know the importance of communication. They make time to talk to each other about their daily activities, emotions, feelings and thoughts. Communication helps them stay connected, understand each other better and resolve conflicts amicably.

Prayer: Prayer is a crucial aspect of Islam and successful Muslim couples in Nigeria understand this. They pray together, for each other and seek Allah’s blessings in their marriage. This strengthens their bond as a couple and helps them stay rooted in their faith.

Understanding and Empathy: Successful Muslim couples in Nigeria understand and empathize with each other. They respect each other’s opinions, listen attentively to each other and try to see things from each other’s perspective. This helps them avoid conflicts, build trust and create a harmonious relationship.

Adherence to Islamic Guidelines: Islam has guidelines for relationships and successful Muslim couples in Nigeria live by them. They avoid things that can harm their marriage such as infidelity, lying and engaging in vices that are harmful to their relationship.

Time Management: Successful Muslim couples in Nigeria manage their time wisely. They make time for each other despite the demands of work, family and other responsibilities. They prioritize their relationship and make efforts to spend quality time together.

Patience: Patience is a virtue and successful Muslim couples in Nigeria are patient with each other. They understand that marriage involves compromise and sacrifice and are willing to work through difficult times together. Patience helps them remain calm, understanding and supportive of each other.

Respect: Successful Muslim couples in Nigeria respect each other’s feelings, beliefs and boundaries. They uphold the sanctity of marriage and treat each other with dignity, love and kindness. They avoid belittling, disrespecting or hurting each other emotionally or physically.

Appreciation: Successful Muslim couples in Nigeria appreciate each other and express it often. They say thank you, show gratitude for the little things and celebrate each other’s achievements. This helps them remain positive, upbeat and happy in their relationship.

Forgiveness: Forgiveness is essential in every relationship and successful Muslim couples in Nigeria know this. They forgive each other and move forward even when they’ve had disagreements. They understand that forgiveness is a process and work towards improving their relationship.

Continuous Learning: Successful Muslim couples in Nigeria are always learning and growing as individuals and as a couple. They attend marriage seminars, read books on relationships, seek advice and counsel from trusted elders and strive to improve their relationship continually.


Successful Muslim couples in Nigeria have developed habits that have helped them create and maintain fulfilling relationships. Communication, prayer, understanding and empathy, adherence to Islamic guidelines, time management, patience, respect, appreciation, forgiveness and continuous learning are habits that have helped them thrive. It’s important for Muslim couples to adopt these habits and work towards improving their relationship every day. May Allah bless our marriages and help us nurture successful, long-lasting relationships.

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